Transform Your Mobility with the new
"Yoga Rebel Method"

Discover your true potential of flexibility and strength, elevate your yoga practice to the next level and feel the best you've ever felt mentally and physically!

Learn "The Yoga Rebel Method''...

  • How you can use "The Yoga Rebel Method" to become strong and flexible, confident and happy, in as little as 30 days!
  • ​How this method took my health and fitness to the next level and helped me unlock a deep appreciation for my life and my body regardless of what it looks like.
  • ​How thousands of women are using "The Yoga Rebel Method" to drastically improve their practice and flexibility, whilst getting so much stronger at the same time!

Hey, I'm...

Liv from Livinleggings

I worked in the medical industry for 10 years doing musculoskeletal MRIs. I fell in love with how the muscles and joints in our body operate.

I took my passion for muscles, yoga, and mobility, and started posting stretches and exercises on social media. A few years and hundreds of videos later, I'm so grateful to have gained a following of hundreds of thousands of women & have helped women just like you transform their yoga practice, improve their strength and flexibility, and positively impact their mental health!

Today, I want to share with you a story that changed my fitness journey forever and could change yours too…

Yoga failed me.

When I first discovered yoga, I was hooked.

It was the only form of exercise I did for 2 years.

I was so addicted!

I was becoming more flexible, centred, and calm with each passing session — and I loved that feeling!

But then things took a turn for the worse…

My hamstring tore.

I sprained my wrist.

I even broke a rib!

To make things worse, I attended a fitness class and discovered something pretty shocking...

I couldn’t even do one pushup!

Yoga can stretch your body as far as you want to take it, but it's ability to strengthen is HUGELY limited.

And because of that, I was injury-prone and very weak without even realising it!

That’s the day I realised:

Yoga doesn’t have everything you need for a strong, healthy, & functional body.

I didn’t want to give up my yoga practice. It bought me so much joy. But I had to prioritise my health. 

I needed to strengthen my body, to give my body longevity, to keep me fit and well through all the life I had yet to live.

So I started incorporating strength training alongside my yoga practice.

Little did I know, this decision is actually what transformed my yoga abilities at rocket speed.

Traditionally, yoga is said to be all you need for exercise. 

Traditionally, yoga postures have strict, dogmatic rules which you MUST keep to.

And traditionally, you’re not allowed to wear socks to do yoga!

And so The Yoga Rebel Method was born.

Yoga Rebels do yoga. They strength train. They allow their bodies to move in a way that suits their body types and proportions. And they wear whatever the hell they want.

After practicing this new method for a few years now and training thousands of others to do the same, I can confidently say…

The Yoga Rebel Method is the best training method for women juggling a busy lifestyle to become strong, flexible & empowered in their bodies, and calm and content in their mindset.

With flexible AND strong muscles, my health skyrocketed!

The middle splits I’d been chasing for so long… Mastered.

All those niggling injuries… Gone.

But the most important benefit…

Lifting weights and getting physically stronger made me feel mentally and emotionally stronger too. 

‘The great thing about lifting weights, is you have to start believing you can do hard things, and that has a ripple effect on your everyday life outside your workout’

When life throws curveballs I now feel confident that I can manage, I know I have the strength to push through.

In strengthening my body, I inadvertently strengthened my mental health.

This mental AND physical strength has changed my life forever.

This is why I’m so passionate about sharing this framework with others and helping them feel the same boost in health and happiness in their own lives.

That's why I created an online studio where you can learn and practice this life changing method.

By joining The Livinleggings Studio you will...

  • Use "The Yoga Rebel Method" to improve flexibility and mobility by taking advantage of simple, science-backed techniques!
  • ​Build full body strength and longevity, allowing you to not only live a long, full life — but to also enjoy every second of it!
  • Learn how "The Yoga Rebel Method" will transform your physical body and elevate your mindset and self-belief.

Check out some of the amazing results my clients are getting!

Here's What You'll Get Access To:

  • Access to 400+ yoga classes AND mobility-based strength training programs in one place
  • ​An ever-expanding library of yoga classes from gentle to powerful to playful
  • Endless strength training options to suit home training or gym-lovers
  • ​Easy to follow yoga, mobility, and strength challenges to deliver you ultimate motivation
  • ​Programs to suit every body and every goal, from touching your toes to mastering the middle splits
  • ​Access to science-backed training to ensure you're moving safely AND efficiently
  • ​New content added EVERY week
  • ​AND access to all past Livinleggings Workshops and Challenges (Previously $110 each!)

**Prices will increase as more content is added so join todayto lock in your membership at this low price**

If you're ready to make a change to your health, there is no better day than today!